Rock Paper and Shotgun provides an interesting viewpoint into Youtubers and Let’s Play videos as a form of digital preservation…
digital preservation
While piracy was and is not a recommended activity, the old pirate archives offer often interesting and unique viewpoints to…
Flash, Java and Shockwave based web games are easy to lose from the history pages of games industry. Many games…
Digital data can be easily lost with no chances of bringing it back. Sometimes you can do miracles, though. The…
EFGAMP, the European Federation of Video Game Archives, Museums and Preservation project, has officially redefined the meaning of Europe in…
Nintendo has closed The Wii Shop Channel for the Wii console. The online shop was launched in 2006 for the…
All game developers prototype more products than they ever publish. Usually the prototypes are never published or shown outside and…
Australian government has donated 0.5 million AU$ to “Play It Again: Preserving Australian videogame history of the 1990s”. The authors…
Multiple organizations (main applicant was Alex Handy from the The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment MADE) petitioned to renew…
Preservation of defunct MMO games is now legally possible in the USA. The US Library of Congress has granted DMCA…