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Useful resources

EFGAMP publications

Statement on the “Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright in the Digital Single Market”, (COM(2016) 593 final, 14.9.2016) from the perspective of the preservation of computer- and video games as part of the digital cultural heritage

(June, 2017)

download statement (pdf)

The following lists do not claim completeness.

Gaming heritage

To check the activities and achivements of EFGAMP members and supporters to preserve and dissiminate our gaming hertiage, please check the “members” and “supporters” section.


  • Some of the most important databases for gaming history


  • The Video Game History Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to cataloging, digitizing, and preserving the history of video games.

Video Game History Foundation


  • Video game history, pontifications, and other ludic touches.

The History of How We Play


  • The International Computer Game Collection is a Berlin based initative, funded by the federal state of Germany, coordinated by the Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur and supported by the German Games Industry Association (Game-Verband) and the Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin. It aims to establish one of the biggest games collection worldwide by merging the collections of  the Computerspielemuseum, DIGAREC – the Digital Games Research Center at the University of Potsdam and the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK; Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body) under one roof.

Gaming culture

  • Two guys (Jeffrey Daum and Alexander Smith) discuss since 2015 various topics in video game history as a tie in to a forthcoming book series. New episodes every 1st and 15th of each month! One of the most competent podcasts on gaming culture and heritage

Podcast „They create worlds“


  • Games Anthropology – a timeline showing milestones of how games became a cultural artefact. This timeline presents the unfolding history of the games and points to crucial events in the formation of gaming culture as well as to its contacts with traditional culture and the social discourses pertinent to this evolution.

Digital preservation

  • Big list of digital forensics and web archaeology resources


  • “The Theory and Craft of Digital Preservation” (2018) from Trevor Owens

Other Resources

  • Games using open Europeana content. The possibilities for using open cultural heritage in new apps, products and services are almost limitless. Explore our showcase of apps using the Europeana content and API.


  • Council of Europe Platform on Culture and Digitisation


  • Expert Group on Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana provide a forum for cooperation between EU Member States’ bodies and the European Commission in the area of digitisation, online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation.


  • UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage (2003)

download (pdf)


  • PERSIST, an Unesco-programme under the Memory of the World-banner


  • Higher Education Video Game Alliance


  • Digital Games Research Organisation