Collaborative Game Histories seminar was held on 28.-29.10.2019 at Tampere, Finland, at Finnish Museum of Games / Suomen Pelimuseo. Here…
The digital culture initiative Art of Coding was presented in the Assembly 2019 festival with several presentations. In the second one Tobias…
Yesterday EFGAMP’s COO Andreas Lange introduced “Art of Coding” together with Tobias Kopka from Digitale Kultur e.V., the applicant in…
The digital culture initiative Art of Coding was presented in the Assembly 2019 festival with several presentations. In the first…
We are glad to announce, that Art of Coding was selected as an example for an application of an interersting…
Denmark and Poland joins Germany and Finland in participating in the Art of Coding initiative to preserve the Demoscene culture…
The EFGAMP led Art of Coding campaign to promote the digital demoscene culture on the UNESCO Representative List of the…
European demosceners are launching the “Art of Coding” campaign to inscribe the demoscene on the UNESCO Representative List of the…