The iPres2018 Conference about digital preservation has published all the conference materials from the authors and presenters. These include the…
Digging into your retro game console library is always fun – but what about going retro with virtual reality? EmuVR…
Japan is one of the most important countries in the history of video gaming but still there is a surprising…
Australian government has donated 0.5 million AU$ to “Play It Again: Preserving Australian videogame history of the 1990s”. The authors…
Multiple organizations (main applicant was Alex Handy from the The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment MADE) petitioned to renew…
EFGAMP is attending the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum (from 15 to 17 November 2018) with a contribution of its president…
Preservation of defunct MMO games is now legally possible in the USA. The US Library of Congress has granted DMCA…
Society for the History of Technology has chosen the Finnish Museum of Games to receive the 2018 Dibner Award for…