Today Assembly, one of Europe’s oldest and biggest Demoscene parties is starting in Helsinki. We are very glad, that ‘Art of Coding’ got even three appearances in Helsinki, all streamed. With high profile participants like ‘Art of Coding’ initiator Tobias Kopka (@Dedux), demosceners activists and scientists like Jukka O. Kauppinen (@JukkaOKauppinen), Satu Haapakoski or Heikki Jungman Assembly 2019 is an important event to discuss the Demoscene as part of the UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity with the community. If you want to participate live on location or online here is the schedule:
2.8. 16:00-17:00
ARTtech seminar
Demoscene – the Art of Coding
by Tobias Kopka
Streamed by Assembly TV
3.8. 17:00-18:00
Skrolli magazine’s stage
Art of Coding – by the scene for the scene (in Finnish)
Open talk by Jukka O. Kauppinen, Heikki Jungman, Satu Haapakoski
Streamed via Twitch by Skrolli
3.8. 23.15
Scene lounge stage
Demoscene is a culture too
by Tobias Kopka and Jukka O. Kauppinen
Streamed by Assembly TV
Big Thanks goes to EFGAMP member The Finnish Museum of Games, which supports the presentations and also acts as the National AoC coordinator for the application in Finland.