Welcome to the website of EFGAMP, the European Federation of Game Archives Museums and Preservation Projects. The federation has as its main purpose the preservation of digital games and other interactive experiences. Games are an important part of the digital media landscape that we live in. The preservation of games presents us with significant challenges in various fields: legal, technological, conceptual and financial. With the members of EFGAMP we aim to collaborate on these topics. For instance, EFGAMP will focus on ensuring that the overall European legal framework is compatible with the needs of digital preservation and will advance the accessibility to game heritage by establishing and implementing description standards and connecting existing collections. Creating and enabling a strong network among peers throughout Europe – thereby creating a synergy of skills is crucial to obtain a permanent and convincing solution – is of paramount importance. What is at stake is the salvation of an important heritage, which should be kept accessible for the purpose of celebration, education and innovation.
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Represent members and partners of EFGAMP on a European and global level.

Network with other digital preservation communities worldwide.

Lobby to advance the conditions of digital preservation and the accessibility of digital interactive entertainment heritage.

Advance the availability of digital interactive heritage.

Gather and circulate knowledge about digital preservation.

Strengthen the European information society.
The museum opened in Berlin in 1997 the world’s first permanent exhibition devoted to digital interactive entertainment culture. Since then, it has documented the development of the medium at over 30 national and international events.
VIGAMUS is the first Italian videogame museum, located in the center of Rome. A pole for video game culture dissemination, VIGAMUS offers a permanent course with more than 68 informative panels, telling history in a fun yet informative way.
The National Library of Sweden has been collecting virtually everything printed in Sweden or in Swedish since 1661. We also collect TV and radio programs, movies and videos distributed in Sweden, Swedish music and computer games.

EFGAMP is the European Federation of Video Game Archives, Museums and Preservation projects. Through an international network of partners, EFGAMP’s mission is to encourage the creation of archives and to increase accessibility to our digital heritage.
Email: contact@efgamp.eu
Website: www.efgamp.eu
Bluesky: @efgamp.bsky.social